Charismatic Brand

What makes a charismatic brand? With millions of brands entering the marketplace on a daily basis, how can brands differentiate themselves from the competition?

When it comes to makeup, I don’t mess around. Why should a girl compromise when it’s something we use to express our inner beauty on the outside? You may be wondering, “What does this have to do with creating a charismatic brand?” Let me answer that for you, EVERYTHING. Advertising Agencies/Grey With thousands of choices of mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick, how are you supposed to know which brand to choose? This is where brand differentiation comes into play. I personally buy makeup based off of the brand messaging along with packaging, brand quality, and knowledge of the product. Confused? Let me explain how all of this is relevant by explaining how market research and competitive analysis can help to build or break a brand such as Covergirl.


You need to ask yourself 3 questions about your brand:

             Who are you?

            What do you do?

            Why does it matter?

Covergirl has strayed away from other makeup companies like Rimmel London and L’Oreal when it comes to their distinct ability to clearly answer these questions. If I asked you what Rimmel London’s tagline in their commercials was, would you know it? Probably not. What about Covergirl? Did you just say, “Easy. Breezy. Beautiful. Covergirl?” UnknownI thought so. Covergirl knows who they are, they know why they matter, and they know what they do. Their goal in the branding is to make affordable but quality makeup that any girl can wear to make them feel beautiful. Covergirl also markets their brand by using celebrities who are role models to all generations of consumers and target markets. Examples are Ellen DeGeneres, Queen Latifah, and Pink.

Market Research

This is an essential tool in any company trying to build their brand. While Covergirl is one of the leading cosmetic brands, they need to continue to conduct market research to constantly keep an eye on competition and the growing target market. Because Covergirl appeals to a broad range of customers, ranging from teenagers to adults, they need to do a better job of marketing individual market segments. They can do this by creating a buyer persona. They could do campaigns with the teenage demographic by doing ads featuring personalized makeup for: hipsters, the cheerleader, the athlete, and the bookworm.

Competitive Analysis

Covergirl must also stay ahead of the competition by constantly monitoring what they are doing. This means checking their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media interactions. Social media allows the customers to become a part of your brand and also speak to you about the positives and negatives of your products. Screen shot 2013-10-07 at 11.50.39 PM Covergirl’s Facebook pulls you in. The cover photo features the official NFL Fanicure that they are promoting during the football season. With over 4.3 million likes, Covergirl allows their audience to speak to them by asking questions on their page such as, “True or False. I have one signature lip color.” Covergirl’s competition, like Rimmel London fails in the social media aspect of being a charismatic brand. They not only lack likes but also creativity and pizzazz on their page. Keeping a constant eye on the competition through social media will allow a brand to notice current trends and where to stray away from the competition.

Another thing that a brand like Covergirl could do would be a perceptual map. This allows companies to see where the white space is in their marketing and product needs. Where are the opportunities for Covergirl to thrive in the marketplace? They can consider things like price, ease of use, and product options in relation to competitors like L’Oreal and Rimmel London.

To be a charismatic brand, you have to speak to your audience. It’s one thing to just have a cosmetic line, but to directly relate an emotion to your customers is really important. Covergirl does this through their Covergirl role models. Their commercials feature these women and speak of female empowerment and natural beauty. Covergirl commercials don’t just go past your head, but rather grab your attention and maek you want to buy their products.

The next time you are in the store buying a new tube of mascara, think about what drew you to buy that particular brand.

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